May 2021 Advocacy Opportunities

Transition Projects' advocacy team has been hard at work making the case for bills that support those we serve. This week, there are three advocacy opportunities for our supporters to take action on. Read below to learn more and send a form letter of support.

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House Bill (HB) 3115 – Sitting, Lying, Sleeping Rights

What it will do if passed: It will require city and local governments to relax any strict laws that they may have regarding individuals that are sitting, lying, sleeping, or keeping warm and dry outdoors on public property. The bill allows individuals to challenge any restrictive local laws in court and be awarded damages and legal fees to them if they win. Some of the more prominent supporters are the Oregon Law Center, Oregon Housing Alliance, Oregon Food Bank, Northwest Pilot Project, Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon, Oregon Criminal Defense Lawyers Association, and the City of Portland.

How can you help? You can submit letters of support to the individual members of the Senate Committee before May 21st, telling them to vote yes and pass this bill out of committee.

Craft a Letter of Support

House Bill (HB) 3026 - ID Replacement Fee Waiver for Individuals Experiencing Homelessness

What it will do if passed: This bill directs the Department of Transportation to waive the fee for issuing, renewing, or replacing an identification card if the person issued a card is experiencing homelessness. Some other bill supporters are Central City Concern, Oregon Department of Transportation, and Oregon Law Center.

How can you help? You can submit letters of support to the individual members of the Senate Committee between now and May 20th, telling encouraging your representative to pass the bill out of committee.

Craft a Letter of Support

Senate Bill (SB) 852 – Mortgage Interest Deduction Reform

What it will do if passed: Mortgage interest deduction, as it functions today, serves to subsidize the wealthiest Oregonians and costs our state $1 billion per budget period, making it the state's biggest housing subsidy. But 60% of the subsidy goes to the wealthiest fifth of Oregonians. In addition, the current deduction only worsens existing racial wealth disparities that contribute to disproportionate rates of poverty and homelessness for people of color in Oregon. By passing SB852, that housing subsidy would go not to the wealthiest Oregonians but to those most in need. Those that also support the bill include Oregon Working Families Party, Central City Concern, Oregon Education Association, CASA of Oregon, Habitat of Humanity, Welcome Home Coalition, Portland Housing Bureau, Housing Oregon, Portland Housing Center, and ROSE CDC.

Status Update: The bill is in the Senate Fiscal and Revenue Committee. It had a public hearing on May 13th. Now we need to ask them to schedule a work session.  

How can you help?  You can submit a letter of support to the committee.

Craft a Letter of Support


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