A Tradition of Support

Windermere agents presenting a check to Transition Projects for move-in kits.

We could not serve more than 9,000 people annually without fiscal support from local businesses.

For years, Windermere agents and branches have supported Transition Projects in multiple ways, such as collecting coats for us via their “Share the Warmth” donation drive.

To enhance their impact on the lives of those we serve, in the summer of 2023 they awarded Transition Projects a grant of $2,500 to provide 25 move-in kits for people transitioning from homelessness to housing!

One barrier our case management team often runs into is that once housing is secured, there are vital items needed to actually live in that space.

As a result, we put together move-in kits for each participant moving into permanent housing to provide them with the cooking, dining, cleaning, linen, and hygiene necessities to start their journey in their new place successfully.

A massive thank you to Windermere for helping to make those 25 participants new house a home.

To learn more about how your business can support us and our participants, please fill out the form at the bottom of the Opportunities for Businesses page.